Nina Nets It Out

Leadership is not the end point; its task is to create an environment in which other leaders can flourish. Let the conversation begin!

Leading through the era of AI hype

Leading through the era of AI hype

By setting a clear strategy, incentivizing adoption, identifying change champions, and providing political support, leaders can pave the way for a successful transition.

How to Avoid the Great Resignation At Your Company

How to Avoid the Great Resignation At Your Company

How do you create a business environment and employee experience that keeps them as excited about their career and your company as when they accepted the job? By prioritizing employee engagement.

Nine features of quality cannabis cultivation software

Nine features of quality cannabis cultivation software

When we look at the accelerating world of cannabis cultivation, the requirements of government regulation and control, coupled with the needs of the industry’s cultivators, we can see that enterprise grade software is essential. Moreover, software is a vital partner in the industry’s future sustainability.

Beyond Data Science

Beyond Data Science

It’s clear there is value in data. But extracting – or “mining” that data for value is no easy task. An often overlooked key to data science and our ability to move beyond, is the role of expertise and talent. Leaders seeking new value must look beyond data and create the cultural conditions that attracts the brightest minds in a competitive market.

An Innovation Equation for Next Generation Leaders

An Innovation Equation for Next Generation Leaders

The next generation of leaders are finding that the path to innovation is not as straight forward as it once was. These days we need to find new methods to create value – and the innovation equation may prove to be a winning formula.

Backing innovation: The smart leader’s money should be on female founders

Backing innovation: The smart leader’s money should be on female founders

When it comes to backing innovation – whether in the enterprise or in the startup sector, there is a great deal of value to unlock by promoting and supporting women. Leaders can make personal, professional and industry-wide impacts when they strategically back female founders and emerging women leaders.
