We hear a lot of talk about gender inequality at all levels. From the board room to the call center and everywhere in-between, we seem to have a problem. This is particularly in the technology field where qualified women are abandoning the industry in record numbers. In 2014, “big tech” got together to analyze the situation, releasing a report that showed that men outnumbered women 4:1 – or more – in their technical sectors. And we’re not talking “old skool” tech companies here – we are talking Google, Apple and Facebook.
Collectively we are facing a huge challenge. Not only do we face the challenge of attracting women into the science, technology, engineering and math fields (STEM), once they are there, we have trouble retaining them. It’s an issue of culture. As I have suggested previously, we need to put a STEM in STEM for Women.
Laura Sherbin, director of research at the Center for Talent Innovation sums it up:
It’s a really frustrating thing. The pipeline may not improve much unless women can look ahead and see it’s a valuable investment.
But the news is not all bad. Monique Thorpe has created a website that showcases and celebrates the real worlds of women. There are already dozens of interviews of business owners, innovators, artists and activists. In fact, they come from all walks of life. Some of these women are early career. Some are executives. Some are following their own paths. Earlier this month I was featured as one of the women who lead. But there are plenty more. Take a few minutes to read the stories of some amazing women. Share them with your family, friends and colleagues.
Better yet, nominate a woman to be featured. It’s important to show a vision for all our futures – and it starts with us. With you.
Nina Nets It Out: The stories of women’s success are often hard to find. Some of these stories have found a home now on The Women Who website. Help celebrate successes and share them through your networks.