Start with Your Own Why

In this great TEDx talk, Simon Sinek explains exactly why some businesses – like Apple – inspire fans rather than “have” customers. It’s partly a function of biology. Sinek explains that the biological functioning of our brains is comprised of the limbic system – the...

Seeing is Believing

It’s one thing to know a fact – but often times quite another to understand it. Sometimes it takes a while to sink in. Sometimes we just choose to ignore the situation in light of the facts. We can – in effect – choose to listen to another story. A story that we would...

We All Need to be Critical

Over the course of my career I have been presented with new roles and new opportunities. Each time, as I meet with my new colleagues, I spend a great deal of time listening, trying to capture and understand their context and mapping this against my own experience and...

Are You an 18 Second Boss?

I have a task for you. During your next customer call, or a team meeting – ask about pain points. Delve into the issues that your customer or your team has. Ask for the number one issue and ask for the context so that you can adequately understand it. Now, time...

Getting off the Social Media Starting Blocks

“Have you joined the conversation?” This is a question often asked in relation to social media. These days, I hear it in executive meetings, in team meetings, at conferences and of course, at the coffee shop. It seems everywhere I look, people are blogging, tweeting...