by Nina | Sep 1, 2014 | Change Management, Featured, Meetings
Each year Inc. carries out research with some of the nation’s top private company CEOs focusing on the areas of business launch, growth and innovation. It provides a fascinating snapshot into the lives of the people behind these fast-growth companies. And for aspiring...
by Nina | Feb 13, 2014 | Change Management, Featured, Leadership
When we think about leadership, we are often conceptualizing it in terms of the very top level of leadership – the CEOs, directors and other senior executives. But in my experience, leadership can be found at every level of a business – in fact, it should...
by Nina | Aug 17, 2013 | Change Management, Innovation, Leadership, Strategy
There once was a time when the driving force for corporate innovation was comfortably at home with the office of the CIO. It was a time when technology was vast and confusing – and in the corporate world – had newly emerged as a powerful way to drive efficiencies,...
by Nina | Mar 11, 2013 | Change Management, Leadership, Strategy
We talk about success as if it was a one-time-only event. We celebrate the overnight success of the startup entrepreneur without seeing the years of patient effort, change, modification and even failure that has taken place. In many ways, we have patience for the...
by Nina | Nov 1, 2011 | Change Management, Life Continuum, Social Media
One of the most powerful benefits of social media is that – as a form of media – it brings us closer to our readers. It brings us closer to our customers. In fact, it seems to strip away layers and layers of process, red tape and hierarchy at the click of a mouse. On...
by Nina | Jan 2, 2011 | Change Management, Leadership, Life Continuum, Mentoring, Women
As we reach the end of one year and enter into a new one, we all feel the need to recap on what has been and look toward the future – at what will be. Perhaps we are drawn to predictions as a way of helping us make sense of what is otherwise unknowable. But I am a...